The Dynasoarers

Hang gliding & Paragliding on the Surf Coast

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Aireys/West coast flying weather prediction

Some of these resources use UTC. Victoria's time zone is UTC+10, or UTC+11 during daylight saving time.


Marine Forecast Wind Marine Forecast Wind Fairly reliable graphical winds forecast. If you only use one forecast, use this one.
Coastal Waters Forecast Coastal Waters Forecast Textual marine winds forecast.
Central Forecast Central Forecast
Synoptic Synoptic Not too reliable, and focused on the bay (which tends to get stronger sea breezes than the coast). Reasonable overview of the next few days' trend.


Latest Weather Observations Victoria Follow the links to individual stations to see the last 72 hours of data.
Rain Radar
Doppler Quite useful once you get the hang of it. Remember that the radar beam is angled up slightly, so greater distance from the center corresponds to higher altitude. Read more.
Winki weather station Situated on the hill behind Winki. Wind directions from W through N may under-read due to rotor off trees. You can also check the near-instantaneous readings.

Satellite imagery:

Australia IR animation Good for seeing what sort of weather is heading our way.
MODIS This one's more for interesting (and pretty) images after the fact, since these pictures are delayed several hours.